Transforming lives through education...
Ark is a charity that aims to transform children’s lives through education. We exist to give every young person, regardless of their background, a great education and real choices in life. We are one of the country’s top-performing school groups. Our network compromises both new-start and transition schools that have become Ark academies. Our network of 39 schools educates nearly 30,000 pupils in areas where we can make the biggest difference. Through Ark Ventures, we incubate, launch and scale initiatives that tackles some of the most challenging problems facing young people, both in the UK and around the world.
Great schools are made of great leaders and we know strong senior leadership is key to ensuring our students have access to a great education. Which is why we recognise the value of supporting and investing in our staff, at every stage of their career. As a senior leader with Ark, you will benefit from a carefully designed and supportive induction plan, dedicated training, coaching and support, on-hand expertise from our dedication Central teams and collaboration with colleagues across the network.